

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas Grandpa! - From Casey

This year I had the privilege to serve Grandpa. As we all know one of his favorite past times is golfing. So obviously, I decided in honor of Grandpa to serve my friends and go golfing with them and give them a few pointers...(because I'm basically a pro, just kidding I need a lot of help). Here a few photos from that outing:

On a more serious note, I thought long and hard about which great quality of grandpa I'd like to highlight this year. One thing that I really admire about grandpa is that he puts his family first, does everything he can to take care of them no matter the cost. He's opened his home countless times to help those in need, like when he let Lauren and I live in their home and house sit while on their mission. Or the many nights he'd stay up late listening and counseling with his kids and grandkids. Or how he'll go out of his way to help paint or do some handyman work around their homes. Grandpa has many great qualities but to me, this is one of the most impressive. 

To try and emulate grandpa, throughout the year I looked for opportunities to put my family first. Here are some of the results of this effort:

I've taken a more assertive effort to give Lauren opportunities to spend time by herself, doing what she wants without two little boys fighting for her attention.  This often resulted in a lot of fun for me and my boys. We would do silly hairdos and make blanket forts. 

Other times this year, I had the opportunity to help my brother build his house. Spending many nights with blood, sweat, tears, laughing and learning together. 

Grandpa, thank you for being an amazing example to all of us of a righteous priesthood holder and someone who puts his family first. Merry Christmas! 

To Nicole, Love Liz

To my dear sister, Nicole -

What do I do for a sister who has always been an example to me? I have learned many important life principles from your example, including patients, humility, hard work, finding joy, forgiveness, and charity. I was with you at the beginning of the year when your family received some hard news. I watched you fall apart and then pick yourself back up and pull it together for your family. I was in awe as you did it with grace and gratitude. 

Finding an act of service to do in your honor didnt really come across my mind. I'm sure I could come up with something fitting, but the truth is, I really wanted to make you something instead. More than anything, I wanted to make you something that embodied your faith in the Lord during this difficult year. Although the year is ending well, it started out really scary for you and your family. Yet, you maintained your faith the entire time - it never wavered. 

So, I made this cross-stitch for you and each time I worked on it, I would think about how much you have taught me and influenced me for good in my life. I would also think about your kids and how much I love them and want good things for them. I have enjoyed working with so many of your kids and LOVE getting to know them better and (hopefully) strengthening our relationship during work. 

I love you very much and am so happy we are sisters! I hope you have an AWESOME
year 2019!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 28, 2017

For Lauren From Sister Kenney

This year has been super crazy!! Full of fun stuff, challenges, celebrations, trials, and victories. Isn't that what a mission is made of? I love it so much! I Had Lauren Schow for Christmas this year, and boy do I love her so much. I heard your having another BOY!! YAY!! I'm so excited for you and Casey and Benson is going to be a big brother!! I can't believe how fast the time flies. This week as I've reflected on the time I've spent with Lauren, I think of what a great mom she is. My first cousin to get married and have a kid, you are such a great example to me of confidence, charity and diligence. You really emulate the Savior and His great work, and what he wants for you as his Sister. Having an eternal family is one of the ultimate goals here in this life time, and yours is starting to grow:) As I've been on my mission I've had plenty of opportunities to serve people and share my Saviors love with those around me. Its been a mighty fine experience that's for sure!

There is one member family that we're working with right now, the Gilstraps, the mom is super active but the dad went less active 10 years ago, but he came to church for the first time in those 10 years a few weeks ago, we were so surprised! They have 4 little boys, that all remind me of my little cousins. The oldest is 12, and the youngest is around Benson's age. We've been doing all we can to help this family come together, of course we can only do so much and the rest in Gods hands. I have really come to love this family and the strength that Andrea, the mom, has. She is an amazing woman, and reminds me of my cousin Lauren:) The way that both of you carry yourselves with confident and love, the way you carry your trials day by day with patience and hope, knowing that Christ is with you holding that weight on your back and bearing your burdens.

As I've been serving my mission, I've come to love my family more and more. We have the tightest family I've ever seen and i'm not just saying that because its mine haha, but as I meet other families without the gospel, unity, experiences that we have, I see how blessed we really are:) I'm so sorry I didn't do anything super special in your name, but I'm doing this mission for me and you now girl;) I love you so much and I pray for you always<3 a="" and="" br="" christmas="" happy="" merry="" new="" year=""> 
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Love Sister Maisie Kenney

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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

for Lizzie, Love your Mom

I thought so many times over the past years that I could help her more if she moved home. So when I got that phone call I wasn’t surprised, but rather a feeling of peace that all my little chicks were going to be coming home and gathering round.

My Lizzie has had her struggles and her learning opportunities in the past, but she has never faltered in her testimony of Jesus Christ and his role in the atonement.

I was able to use what physical abilities I had at my disposal (which were greatly challenged this year) to directly serve her. From packing up the old kitchen to helping set up the new, to putting many flowers in their beds to brighten up her world. Bringing her a porch swing to relax and new sofa pillows brought a whole new look which might help her in her outlook. There were offers to pick up kids from school and to drop them off at home or work. Even as Christmas drew near she asked for help to decorate and we spent the afternoon together. It was a big year in getting our Hannah off on her mission as well as getting our Brianne married and gaining a new brother for Jackson. Again, Liz never far from my thoughts and prayers of how can I serve her best.

In reflection it was a year of challenges as well as opportunities and growth. It was a year of coming together and understanding. And it was a year of serving someone I loved - but now I see that quite possibly she moved home so that she could be there for me.

Love, Mom

To David, Love your Dad

Today is Christmas past for 2017. What a special year it has been for me as I have have studied and learned more about our Savior and his life, as well as his death, more than ever before. Both in preparing for our trip to the holy land as well as my studies since I’ve been home has brought a new dimension to my world of understanding the gospel of Jesus Christ. The trip itself, was simply life broadening to the extent of my ability to know him and to have him in my day-to-day life. And so, as this time of year approached, I was able to feel a love and peace in my heart that I’ve never known before.

I had the great privilege this year to have my person be my David. I have found joy in nd asked if I next day Laura approached me abeing of service to others in various small ways, mostly using my earthly acquired skills. It may have been a painted front door (which is my specialty) or some new shelves, and often a listening ear.

Not thinking that I needed to take on another specific task of service before the end of the year, I had an opportunity smack me in the face. Right after Thanksgiving we heard from Maisie that like most missionaries, she was missing home and family for the holidays. She specifically wrote to me and asked for stories and pictures of David because she felt him near and helping her and wanted to get to know him better. That same week I had decided to work on my own personal life history this winter and had asked one of my techie daughters to teach me to use the voice to writing application on my tablet. This she did and I was quite proud of myself if I do say so myself. Honestly, the very next day my Laura asked if I would consider taking on the transcribing of David’s missionary journals. What an opportunity that has been for me! The perfect blending of three “events” that has been a great blessing to me this month of reflection. I have only completed a small fraction of the 3 volumes but have gleaned so much. I have begun by sending the first two batches to my missionary girls and both have responded so appreciatively. Eventually we will have it available for everyone interested.

And so, as I close this year, I want to thank you for letting me be a part of your lives. You, as my posterity, bring me peace and happiness which is the essence of joy.

Love, Dad.

To Maisie, Love Brianne

So, I had Maisie this year, and I've thought a lot about her and prayed for her on her adventures as a missionary in So. Carolina. Being a missionary is so great, especially around Christmastime. It's the perfect opportunity to talk about the Savior, especially with the Christmas initiative the church puts forth. #lighttheworld is a perfect opportunity to talk to people and to serve others, and with the vending machines in the JSM Building downtown, I thought no better way to show my support that by donating to the cause. I went downtown and was able to purchase glasses for local kids, as well as some canned chicken for the hungry. It was so crazy busy, and there was a ton of people in line to use the machines, and I loved seeing how the community was coming together to bless the needy - that's what missionary work is all about!! :)

We also fed the missionaries in our ward, but it was more like my husband fed the missionaries (i got home from work late that day) but anyways, I love you Maisie, and I am so proud of you. Missionary work is the greatest! Merry Christmas!

To Jacob from Sister Kirkby

Hey fam bam! This year has been one of my best years ever! I've been a missionary for over 6 months and I've learned a ton. As I'm reflecting on the year, I must admit that my service for Jacob has come from being on a mission... I know... what a copout... With Jacob being one of my younger cousins, I was a little stumped on what to do for service. Just as I was stumped when I found out that most of the people we were teaching in my first area ranged from the age of 12-14!
I was not prepared for that! These kids have a lot of drama going on. Lilly and Conner are siblings and their parents are very inactive members who desperately want the missionaries to teach them. Michael, Sarah, and John are all siblings, but they're not blood related. They are all from Bulgaria (speak 0 English) and are now apart of a very active family in the church. Let's just say that there's lots of intense culture shock. It seemed almost instantly that I (w/ my companion) held the "fate" of all these 5 kids. We were to receive the revelation on how to help them obtain testimonies... I didn't know how to do that!!!!! (I still don't know how to do that!!!) My childhood was nothing like theirs! All I knew was that I learned a lot about myself by doing personal progress; I learned how to study the scriptures by going to seminary; I learned of my Savior as I bore my testimony. As I knew and remembered that doing those good things helped me those years, we were able to teach to their needs with the help of the Spirit!

I guess the reason why I'm saying this is because I hope that serving a mission serves more than just those that I meet here in Virginia. I hope that the testimony that I develop here helps you all back home. I know that our family is eternal, I know that my Savior died and lives for me, I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that the prophet Joseph Smith truly is a prophet of God. I have truly come to know that making righteous choices is the way that Heavenly Father is able to give us the blessings we need. I would invite all you youngins to think on how you want to prepare to serve a mission or enter the temple worthily!
I wish you all a merry Christmas! I can't wait to see you all next year!
Love, Sister Kirkby